~cheRitA miSh~

Hey ! Good days to you!

Assalamualaikum and welcome to my unprivate diary,,,. jika rasa macam dah terlalu bosan dengar aku asyik bercakap je memanjanggg,, ni ce lah baca pulakkk ye :) .so, be nice here and enjoy reading all my potpet2 entry.. still, im not born to be a writer, so baca jaa lahh kan :) btw,orang yg free hair kat atas tu lee seunggi nama dy,tp sekarang da xminat,,, totally dah xminat koreaa dah sekarang! cuma lagu ja la yg menjadi pilihan,,

Status : xpayahhh la dok letak pape pon kat sini,,, im just want u to read saje ya :) ^^ :)

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inTr0duCtion t0 ElectRoniC sYstEm eNgIneErinG :)

hye and hye and hye :) first of all,i would like to say alhamdulillah because i've already entered most of my class during this first week,and never skipped even one classed ukey??:p.Even we're not studying at all at this week but its muqaddimah is still there kan:) for example kan,as i entered for engineering mathematics  i've been asking a few of diiffferentation n integration question that make my mind like exploding aftel all:):)

then,on tuesday,i've attend for my special class which is introduction to electronic system engineering which is the same like the course that i've been offer to:):)

                                                   what is a little thing is called ??

by looking at the picture above i'm surely that all of you familiar with that right?thats kind of subject that i'll learn during my first semester:):):)owh okeyy,back to the story
actually:) my lecturer  for this subject is Dr.Kamal n Dr. azran,even i've never meet with Dr. azran yet,im surely  know that he also the best lecturer same with Dr.kamal right??hee~~ ^_^

hurmm,,for my first class with dr.kamal, my friend n i have been briefing about what the subject it is n review a few question that we've already learn during matriculation n asasi maybe:) and alhamdulillah most of us still not forgotting it at all include me:):) let me tell you some of our question that have been asking by dr.kamal:
                                    1)draw a simple electrical circuit n my answer is
                              2)calculate some resistance
                               (does'nt remember how the circuit look like actally,sorrieyy)
                              3)and etc.hahahaha:):)thats all

in order to get along with this subject,we also have to take another subject called electrical circuit which is closely related to electronic system.uhh okey:) im really fine with that:):) go physics go:):)!tadaa~~
and before i forget,dr kamal had shown us one of his video collection which is kindly related to those student that want to success with her hardship and those student which is just want to grasp a degree without study very hard n bla bla bla:)

hurmm,,i think that all my coretan kali ni kan:):) ok:) see u in da next time next day yea<3 n dun forget to wish me best of luck in my studies,,daa~~~